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How It Works

uSked makes collaborative scheduling simple and easy.

We’re a consolidated system with everything – requests, assignments, confirmations, invoicing  & payroll – all in one place.

Regardless of your role in a job or project, uSked effectively manages your responsibilities.


1) Effortless access to job request details and availability

Available service providers with compatible date and location details. Unassigned job requests. Job Request details with well-curated and comprehensive fields. Service provider details extensive details for hundreds of providers.

2) Track demand for service providers

Service Provider demand report is a report that shows the number of concurrent service providers on any given day, service, or assignment. Guarantee coverage using this report by setting back-up coverage & using this report to game plan and strategically address times of heavy demand.

3) Native app with easy access to assignment information

Calendar Integration with preferred calendar programs for easy reference. Multiple calendar views or easy access and visibility. All assignment information including prep material, location & relevant client information.

4) Ensure compliance with paperwork requirements and reminders

Paperwork definitions are used to define the kinds of paperwork, like certifications and immunizations, that can be added to the profiles of service providers. Paperwork reminders empower service providers to see when their paperwork has come due. They receive an email prompt to update their paperwork, reducing the work on managers and human resources. Assignment requirement requirements often dictate the type of credentialing needed for services. When identifying available service providers, uSked filters based on the active paperwork within the system ensuring that a service provider with lapsed or inactive credentialing is assigned. Allowed roles limit who has access to the paperwork, keeping it secure and managed by the service providers and/or approved individuals.

5) Manage your business seamlessly with robust reporting

Robust reporting tools make it possible for organizations to maintain a clear understanding of the ins and outs. Margin reports like the one above are helpful for those for-profit organizations to see margins by service providers and contracts. Customized reports allow organizations to retrieve the data they need to be successful. Higher education institutions often pull data based on departments and types of services. There truly is something for everyone.